

  • Digital geological mapping
  • Temporal change analyses of ground surface
  • Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data for physical characterization of ground surface at volcanic terrain

Software Ability

  • Remote Sensing (ENVI, GAMMA, GRASS GIS)
  • Programming (Matlab, Octave, Bash Shell)
  • Graphic (Gimp, Inkscape, MicroAVS)
  • Operating System (Linux, Windows)

Bachelor degree (2000-2004)
Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Earth Science and Mineral Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia. Thesis title: Geologi dan Geotermal Gunung Guntur Garut-Jawa Barat. Supervised by Dr. Prihadi Sumintadireja.

Master degree (2005-2007)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kumamoto University, Japan. Thesis title: Detecting Surface Condition and Topographic Change of Active Volcanoes by SAR Data Analyses. Supervised by Prof. Katsuaki Koike.

Doctoral degree (2007-2010)
Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan. Dissertation title: Comprehensive Analyses and Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data to Active Volcanoes for Characterizing Surface Geology, Geomorphology, and Crustal Deformation. Supervised by Prof. Katsuaki Koike.

Professional degree (2021)
Engineering professional degree in Geological Engineering, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology.

Postdoctoral research fellow (2010-2013)

Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ-AIST), Japan. Research title: Characterizing Surface Geology and Monitoring of Active Volcanoes in Torrid Zone using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Hosted by Dr. Minoru Urai.