Satellite and Geological Data Real-Time Information Acquisition System for Rapid Response to Volcano Hazards
Volcano School around Agung Volcano – Bali
Sub-district awardee due to good citizenship for caring local environment,
delivered by Mayor Of Bandung City (Mang Oded) ^_^.
Phreatomagmatic eruption of Mt. Krakatau on 22-25 Dec. 2018 caused flank collapse more than 0.43 km3 and tsunami killed more than 400 people, imaged by Sentinel-1A/B.
Asahi Glass Foundation Research Grant 2019 for research entitled Detection of Magmatic Gas Leakage at Volcano Environment to Asses Fluid Paths using Satellite Thermal Infrared and Ground Sensors
Deformasi Gempabumi Banjarnegara Jawa Tengah 18 April 2018 dengan D-InSAR PLT
Jawa Pos 2 January 2018
Pidie Earthquake Imaged by Sentinel-1 InSAR
KAVLI FOS 2016: Global identification of eruption magnitude based on topographical reconstruction of ancient volcanoes
H-Index : 12 (Scopus)
ResearchGate Publications 1000 views
IGA Best Paper Award 2015…
Goes to Dr. Eng. Ir. Asep Saepuloh, S.T., M.Eng.